Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Ravenel 2: Marrying Winterborne

Title: Ravenel 2: Marrying Winterborne
Author: Lisa Kleypas
Genre: Historical Romance
Time: 4.7 hours
Rating: 10 out of 10

As I’ve said again and again, I love, love, love Lisa Kleypas!  But her last two books were disappointing.  I was scared this would be a dud, too.  I was worried if she somehow lost her touch? Or maybe (the horror!) I outgrew her.

But she delivers in this book.  This is the kind of Lisa Kleypas book that led me to collecting actual books (not e-books) of hers.  I wanted the book to never end.  But alas it did. As I’ve said before, this is one of the books you close feeling very satiated and you just wanna savor that feeling before moving on to the next book.

How Does it End?


I think there is no surprise that Helen and Rhys end up together.  Albion Vance tried to break them apart by blackmailing Helen but Rhys saved the day.  The half-sister Charity was a delightful surprise.  I wonder if Garret Gibson would get her own spin off.  Perhaps end up with West?

Not really part of the book but at the end, there is an excerpt on the next book of the series and *happy dance* and old favorite couple comes back, probably my most favorite couple in the Kleypas universe!  Sebastian and Evie from the Devil in Winter.  God, I must have read that book at least 30 times!  Guess what, their son ruins one of the Ravenel twins… I wonder who?  But I don’t really care coz I’m excited to find out how Sebastian and Evie are doing now and maybe an update on the other Wallflower girls?  Ugh!  This next book can’t come soon enough.

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