Title: Only A
Author: Mary
Genre: Historical
Time: Unfinished
I have a lot of books that I start off for a few pages but
realize that I don’t feel like reading something of that genre at that
particular moment. I would usually, at
some point in time, (when I don’t have anything else left to read), return to that book then start and finish reading it.
This is not one of those books. It tends to drag. Pages are devoted to characters’ long
background on their ancestry, which is fine if it’s necessary for the plot but
in this case, it feels like page fillers.. kinda like what high school students
do when they need to reach a minimum word count for an essay. It’s not just character’s genealogy, it tends
to drone on and on about the scenery, etc. etc.
But being overly wordy doesn’t really bother me as long as
the story, characters and dialogue make up for it (I can always just skip past those
long descriptions, preferring to make up something better with my
imagination). But nothing in it made me
fall in love with characters or at least invested in them. For a romance novel, I kept waiting for the romantic
“sparks” that never came.
It's too bad because it started promising enough. It had the makings and ingredients of a great
romance novel. Maybe I just
wasn’t in the mood. Maybe I was craving
for a Lisa Kleypas historical romance and this one just didn’t live up to Ms.
Kleypas’ standards. As much as I tried, I
just couldn’t finish this book. That
said, I still might try the author’s other books.
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