How Does It End?

I've recently added this part to the books I've finished reading.  I put it at the end part of my posts.  The reason for this is that there are times when I encounter a book with a good mystery or a captivating beginning but as it goes on, it becomes boring and dragging.  The author came up with a good plot to hook me in but is just not a good enough of a writer to hold my interest.  Or sometimes, I've previously read a book (maybe a long time ago) and have vague memory of what it's about but for the life of me cannot recall how it ended.

When this happens, I try to skip to the last chapter to find out how it ended.  But more often than not, reading the last chapter is not enough to give me the whole picture.  I have to read the whole book.  But there are times when I just don't feel like reading (or re-reading) a whole book just to find out or remember how it ended.

I usually try to google it.  But a lot of book review sites don't want to put spoilers in their posts.  So I got to thinking, maybe I'm not the only out there who actually wants the spoilers.  There might be people out there who, like me, just want to know how this particular book ended without having to read the whole book.  So I decided to add this part for those, like me, just wants to know how the book ends.

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