Title: The Girl
on the Train
Author: Paula
Genre: Thriller,
Mystery, Suspense
Time: 5.1 hours
I knew this book was a good one from reading the synopsis
and seeing that this was a best seller book.
But for some reason I had a few false starts with this. I’ve said this in previous posts that the
thing about me is that no matter how good a book is, if it doesn’t “click” I
can’t make myself read it. It’s not
because it’s bad, it’s just that it’s not what I’m feeling at that moment. Same thing happened with Gone Girl but when I
finally found my “rhythm” with that book, I was like mind = blown.
I tried a couple of times to read this last year but it was
only now that it somehow clicked. I
thought, at first, that it would be a simple story of a woman witnessing a murder,
helping the police solve the crime and getting herself in danger while doing
it. Yes, this was true but it’s way, way
more complicated than that. Apparently,
the witness is an unreliable seeing that she was an alcoholic.
I thought there would be some twist in the story where in the
end it was actually Rachel that killed Megan.
Or maybe Anna.. But to be honest,
I didn’t suspect at first Tom did it.
But in the end, it made sense.
This wasn’t exactly nail-biting, can’t-put-it-down kinda
book but I like it.
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