Title: Jackson Brodie 3:
When Will There Be Good News?
Author: Kate Atkinson
Genre: Mystery
Time: unfinished or read already?
Rating: N/A
This was the only book of the series I haven't read yet. Or so I thought. As I was reading chapter one and I got a sense of deja vu. As I read on, I get vague flashbacks. Like there was a train derailment or was it a collision? I remember people so many people on the train, so many people trying to help the injured. A dilapidated/ramshackle house near the trains? A well-off lady disappearing or did she run away? The family in the introduction part of the book. The two girls and a baby brother with their harried mother. This all feels familiar, like I've been here before.
This happens to me once in a while. That's the thing with reading soooo many books, you end up getting a book you've read before without realizing it until you're a few chapters in. I have no idea how many books I've read in my lifetime and I've only started tracking since 2013 and I've found out that I average like 80-100 books a year. I started reading and collecting books at 5 or 6 but the almost "non-stop" reading started around 8 or 9 when I discovered the school library. Not mentioning my age but I probably read like a thousand books already.
And I think I've read this book before. But I just can't put my finger as to when but I think it's fairly recent. And I can't remember anymore the ending. And since I wanna end with 100 new books read this year I'll just skip this for now until I'm sure.
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