Title: Wonderment
In Death (Down the Rabbit Hole)
Author: J. D.
Genre: Mystery,
Thriller, Police Procedural, Novella
Time: 1.1 hours
Rating: 7 out of
here's a short description of the book in goodreads.
This was supposed to be the book after Devoted in Death for
the In Death Series but I read Brotherhood In Death first by mistake. This one
is actually a novella that’s part of 4 others in the Down The Rabbit Hole anthology.
Since it’s a novella, the story is quite short so Eve and Peabody
pretty much caught the killer right away.
Which is realistic to me as it’s not all the time that cops get
big, complicated cases, more often than not, they prolly catch open and close
type cases. But because it was a
short, I felt like I was left hanging.
Like, why did the Mad Hatter suddenly go on a killing “spree” (if you
could call it that). Was it because his
sister tried to kill him? And why did
she try to kill him? Or was it the other
way around, did he try to kill his sister?
If so, why?
Good thing with this type of book where author’s novellas
are bundled with other authors is that I get to sample new writers I haven’t
read before. So I think I’m gonna read
the next novella in this book.
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