Sunday, May 22, 2016

Little Bitty Lies

Title: Little Bitty Lies
Author: Mary Kay Andrews
Genre: Chic Lit
Time: 5.8 hours
Rating: 6 out of 10

If you want a book description, you can it check out on goodreads.

Little Bitty Lies is your typical chic lit fare where heroine must overcome sort of big life complication (break up, career loss, loss of love one), sometimes there’s a trusty side kick to help her along the way but it always ends with a happily ever after—all is right with the good guys and the bad guys get their comeuppance—everything tied up in a pretty, neat little bow.

I know they made up in the end but I couldn’t get over the fact that her daughter is such an ungrateful, little witch.  Katherine took the words right out my mouth, “she’s a spoiled little bitch.” And I can’t understand how Mary Bliss just lets her daughter treat her that way.  Those shit she pulled would never fly with my parents (I’m seeing a pattern, is this an American thing?).  Why is she so afraid of her daughter!? If the little prick wants to act all grown up then let her worry about finding the money for her tuition fee!  Or she should just transfer her to public school.  Mary Bliss should’ve just let her rot in jail… all right, fine, not really leave her there forever but let stew for a few days and help out only when she calls her mother to apologize.

And don’t get me started with her mother-in-law.  Mary Bliss is such a fucking doormat with her.  Granted, it worked out in the end.  But still.  She’s another ungrateful bitch that Mary Bliss allows to walk all over her.  Now I see where the daughter gets it.  If it were me, I’d leave the old hag to rot there.  It’s not like she’s her responsibility, they’re not related by blood.  It should be Parker making all the effort to visit her.  If Mary Bliss should visit, it should be because she’s accompanying the Erin.

Okay, the more I rant, the more I realize I don’t particularly like Mary Bliss.  She is just not likable.  I mean, why is she pushing her friend, Katherine, to get back with her husband when she knew Charlie cheated on her?  Like cheating on your wife is no big deal.  And it wasn’t like Charlie was trying to win Katherine back nor did he seem remorseful at all for what he did (yes, in the end he was but Mary Bliss was already pushing for a reconciliation even when Charlie was still living with his sidepiece).  She’s trying to make her friend into a pushover like her.  I almost liked Katherine.  Until she allowed a complete stranger, one with a very questionable character at that, to sleep on their house.  Really!?  God!  What if he was a serial killer?  That is how an In Death Series book starts… *smh*  I think there’s not one character in the book that’s likable.

And then there’s also the gay thing.  It was implied that Parker was gay but not in a good way.  He obviously denied it.  Nothing wrong with being gay or straight.  I can’t help but think the author put it in there to “demean” the Parker character.  Kinda like when people say, “you hit like a girl” as a way to insult someone.  I mean, I get it, I get it,  you want me, the reader, to think that Parker is the most awful person there is and you are using the gay thing to drive your point across, kinda like kicking the person when his down.

Also, what was up with the chicken salad?  It was soo totally random.  I thought was some sort of segue into Mary Bliss discovering that she has a knack for catering and become the solution to her money problems.. that would have been more believable than inheriting a chunk of money.

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